How many Epoch Labz projects are there in total?
There are 20 projects, all in various states of development, but as Epoch Labz grows, more will be created & developed.
Will Epoch Labz CNFTs from each project contain rarity by rank?
Yes, some of the projects will contain rarity by rank, which will be tied heavily to utility.
Are the Epoch Labz projects connected in some way?
Yes, but they are each standalone, independent projects.
How can I whitelist with Epoch Labz?
Whitelist spots can only be unlocked by being a hodler of a pre-existing CNFT project that is not owned by Epoch Labz, but who's community has been awarded whitelist spots for playing attention, for example, Salty Seagulls Society, Mallard Order, Safari Squad & more TBA. Please refer to the benefactor's letter, for distribution info & to stay up to date on the list of projects that will be given whitelist spots as they are added.
When will the Epoch Labz CNFT mint begin?
The mint date can only be unlocked by the community. Please refer to the Epoch Labz Discord to stay up to date.
Does Epoch Labz support other CNFT projects that it does not own?
Yes, projects that are considered affiliates of Epoch Labz will receive marketing strategies, promotional inclusion, along with other classified benefits.
Why does the Epoch Labz Discord look so bare?
Functionality will be unlocked by the community as the storyline progresses.
What happens if the storyline of Epoch Labz is not complete?
If the storyline is not complete, then the entire Epoch Labz project will remain locked forever, & it's sub projects will never go to mint, nor will they ever be released and perhaps the world will never know, the greatest story never told!.
Are each of the Epoch Labz project storylines going to be long?
No, some are as short as a post on Twitter.
No, the only member of Epoch Labz that has been granted explicit permission to contact other projects, aside from Boss Cat Billionaire, is Lord Tivali, which is Boss Cat Billionaire's primary secretary. If you are contacted by anybody claiming to be a member of Epoch Labz, please make sure to verify that you are in fact directly communicating with Lord Tivali's official account which can be found here: @Lord Tivali.
How can I become part of Epoch Labz?
If you are a developer, artist or other, feel free to fill out the team member application form found here.
Where can I go to verify all official Epoch Labz links to ensure that I don't get scammed?
All official Epoch Labz links can be found here: Discord.